Monsters under the bed
Statistics of ways one can end up dead.
Insurance companies thrive
Pensions are a serious drive.
Armies deployed --
Countries destroyed.
The Zizi Show, a traveling performance by the Rocca Family (Zizi and DJ Taita O), engages audience members and pre-arranged guests via rituals, movement, music, interviews, and interventions, both planned and spontaneous. The Zizi Show: Soirée of Fear is a new, site specific version of the performance to the constructed for a Portland, OR audience. The soirée will be an evening of drink, food, music and challenging contemplations of everyday life. Zizi and Taita O will engage the participants in conversation about their fear. Fear is recognized as a survival tool essential to well being, yet in its phobic iterations must be confronted as an obstacle to living.
Guests are encouraged to bring a queered/gender-fucked accessory to share (for the duration of the soirée).
Six years ago, The Rocca Family (two humans and one feline) traveled through space and time
from the faraway (some refer to it as Jordan for highly politicized quasi practical reasons) and
landed with their cat Rocca in San Francisco. Recently, they locked their SF home for the last
time and embarked on their RF USA 2017 Road Trip. Through its practice, in search of home
perhaps, the Family uses all its folkloric know-how, trusting in humor, to make friendships and
talk about immigration, family, freedom and the meaning of life.
Arts collaborator and curator, Ola is the founder of Makan art space in Amman, Jordan (2004-
2015). She is presently on the road continuing to examine the complexities of family structures
and wondering about home and intimacy through travel, performance, DJ’ing, eating and
writing. Ola holds an MA in Curatorial Practice from California College of the Arts (2012) and
an MSc in management from the University of Surrey (1998).
Diala uses her art practice to look at human ways. Born (1975) and raised in the city of Amman,
it is hard to cope with the heartbreak that comes from being a part of a people trying hard to
move beyond colonisation, but she continues to hold on to hope.
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