Christina Martin - Artist Statement
Glitch Bliss is the material manifestation of my identity and the way in which I consider myself a glitch in this society. The work is in consideration of the concept of the corporal glitch and how that term applies to me as a Mexican-American, queer, kinky, feminine, artist. This theory explores the way in which society perceives and treats “other” bodies and intersectional bodies as errors or glitches within this binary matrix. Within the work, I resonate with the term glitch and take pleasure in adopting and adapting it to reveal and camouflage my perceived body at will. Through a series of indecipherable and indivisible layers of print and matter, visual glitches are produced. The work unveils images of my identity that are both transparent and opaque, that obscure and surrender new relationships as the viewer steps around and within the work. Ultimately, the process and finished work are as much of a discovery of my identity as it is a celebration of it. Finding beauty in what people may find transgressive or alternative. Taking the time and evoking a space for self-exploration and self-love towards myself and others. Finding bliss in the glitch.
Christina Martin - Artist Bio
Christina Martin(She/they) is currently completing their MFA in Print Media at The Pacific Northwest College of Art. Previously they received their BFA in studio art at the University of Texas in Austin as well as a certificate in business. Christina is a Mexican-American, Queer, Performative, Printmaker whose work challenges traditional printmaking as well as traditional ideas. Their material exploration transforms the print past paper, introducing and interlacing new forms of media with various printmaking techniques. This includes sculptural works like molds and casts, painted liquid latex, textile prints, prints on the body, and much more. Their work is rooted within their own intersectional identity including their feminine, queer, kinky, and cultural expressions. The work evokes space for self-exploration, self-love, and pleasure. They constantly strive toward breaking through societal binaries as well as demystifying and celebrating alternative expressions.